Courtney Crumin is a thriller/fantasy/dark comics series by Ted Naifeh. The entire series is played out in a witching community in Hillsborogh. Our main character is Courtney, a rather gusty, 'don't mess-with-me-or-you-will-pay', smart ass girl. Exceptionally talented and matured for her age, Courtney is rather antisocial and looks up to her Uncle Aloysius, a retired warlock of great power. Courtney is forced to go to school to gain 'practical' education(people skills), but that doesn't stop her from engaging in some monster-bashing, evil-whacking adventures. Heck, she's more comfortable in Hillborough's creepy woods and the world of night things than her classmates.
Though witchcraft, magical creatures roam the book and cause much of the chaos, Naifeh reveals to us that most of the scheming, manipulation, back-stabbing and evil comes within humans. Even the Coven and Council that rules the supposed wiser witch population(as compared to us humans), we see how humans prove fallible to petty politics and selfish personal gains. when Courtney expresses her outrage and anger at the foolishness and hypocrisy of adults, we empathize with her and even support her sometimes morally questionable attempts to rectify the situation.
Another beautiful plot feature is Courtney's dilemma of growing up too fast(learning the true nature, ugliness of people, losing innocence) and her desire to know more(so as to protect ppl/things she loves) It's a age old dichotomy, but so seldom explored. Naifeh chooses to shun from the romanticized ideal of childhood and faces the experience of growing up with great honesty. Naifeh also reveals to readers that sometimes, adults are also just helpless children, stupid souls trapped in big bodies.
Despite all the gloominess and negativity of humanity, Naifeh slips in silvers of positive human traits like hope, love, friendship, loyalty that shows readers how much humans can be good too.
Naifeh's characters are superbly fleshed out; even his creatures are believable, possessing human traits. (One of his most frightening creatures, Tommy Bloodbones, has a sense of humour and has no qualms about getting back on his previous master for summoning him to do dirty work) Characters are never exclusively good nor bad; Aloysius, the seemingly morally sound and wise uncle of Courtney's also has his flaws as his old friend reveals. Though Aloysius takes it as his responsibility to protect his fellow witches, warlocks and wizards, he has also 'alienated a lot of people over the years.'
The series is fleshed out in black and white, a style Naifeh handles very masterfully to create a magical world of sorcery and fantastical creatures. Hatching is a pretty common feature in the comic. It's a American styled comic though the cutesy elements are atypical of the genre. Panelling is also great and smooth, though in the action scenes I might venture some manga-elements may be seen.
In comics math, this Courthey Crumrin would be a cross between Grimm's Fairy tales and Harry potter. f you were a fan of Hellboy, this would suit you, except taht it is less violent and action packed with no Nazis whatsoever. If you love twisted fairy tales, this is for you too. And if you are a fan of Paul Magrs' 'Never teh Bride' series(the one with Frankenstein's bride), you'll definitely love this comic series too.
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